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1. How can I get my book published?

There was a time in the publishing world, when you could write 100 pages and a detailed book proposal and land a deal (that was the path that worked for me on my first book deal in 1999). But times have changed. In my opinion, in today’s climate, ideas are not enough. Nor are outlines, sample chapters, or proposals. Especially when it comes to fiction, you need a finished book to stand a chance, especially if you’re unpublished.

A. Write your book.

Don’t worry about getting an agent or a publishing deal until you write your book—the entire book. Write, rewrite, and polish until you’re convinced it’s a finished product. I just don’t see any way around this.

There was a time in the publishing world, when you could write 100 pages and a detailed book proposal and land a deal. But times have changed. In my opinion, in today’s climate, ideas are not enough. Nor are outlines, sample chapters, or
